Detecting the risk of fraud in real time

Stay one step ahead of fraudsters

Sis ID, your ally in the fight against fraud

Fighting fraud alone is a difficult task. It is by concentrating our efforts that we can confront fraudsters and reverse the balance of power.

in real time

Thanks to the Sis ID connected database, you can check the reliability of your beneficiaries’ information.


To ensure that the data is clean and of high quality, an audit is carried out in real-time, guaranteeing you a sound basis.

of the data

Check company and legal entity information can be automatically informed of its reliability.

Thanks to collaborative work, the platform’s knowledge multiplies, making it ever more effective. It learns and feeds off the different experiences of users to deliver a result that is as close as possible to your needs.

Sharing experience is at the heart of the Sis ID platform

Enhanced data is available in real-time in any situation

Payment activity data

Payment histories, checks, and alerts are shared by our network of committed companies.

Financial and institutional data

Made available by our partners to enhance checks on your beneficiaries.

Certification & compliance guarantee

Our teams will remove any doubts about your beneficiary data for you.

Your contribution

Join our network and take part in it, securely and anonymously.

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We’ve got you covered

The fight against fraud available in SaaS

The collaborative platform enables you to validate and secure all transactional data at every stage of your Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) process

Save time every day

The anti-fraud shield, directly at the heart of your IS

With technical connectors and APIs, Sis Inside makes it easy for your users to integrate the platform into your business tools.