Free yourself from the risk of financial fraud and pay with complete peace of mind

What if you no longer had to worry about fraud?

Sis ID offers a collaborative solution to fight fraud

A real shield against financial fraud, the Sis ID solution secures your payments. It enables you to check the bank details of your beneficiaries and customers in real-time, throughout the entire payment chain. Detect fraud attempts in real-time and stay one step ahead of fraudsters.

What are the benefits?

Reliability and safety

Reliability and safety

Pay the right beneficiary in complete security, with 100% of your checks receiving a verified score.

Geographical coverage

Secure your payments worldwide!

Sis ID aggregates the majority of available international banking and institutional data sources to simplify your payment decisions in all your business zones.

Real-time results

Real-time results

Get a score: green, orange or red to guide you through your transactions.

Unique insurance

Unique insurance in Europe

We guarantee a refund in the event of financial loss!

Find out all about the product

How does it work?

Secure your transactions in real-time with simple, fast, and reliable results from the web platform or within your business tools to help you make the right decisions.

Why choose when you can have it all?

Natural and legal persons

Secure your payments by checking that a bank account belongs to the right person, whatever the type of beneficiary.

On both a small and large scale, we’ve got it all covered

Official and international data sources 

Get fast, reliable, and secured results thanks to recognized financial and institutional data sources.

Restoring confidence in your databases

Make your third-party repository more reliable

Carry out regular audits to ensure a healthy third-party database. Control your financial data and keep your repository up-to-date and secure.

Sis ID, the right solution for your business

For the function


Do you want to free your company from the risk of fraud and relieve your teams?

For the function

Risk & Compliance

Do you want to protect your company against fraud and improve your performance?

For the function


Would you like to oversee your company’s risk management?

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Who better to talk about us

than our customers?

A few words from Aldès

200% faster verification

“The platform has given us greater reliability, time and comfort…
Previously, the verification of transfer orders and suppliers was carried out at the end of the month and took several days. Now it only takes 2 hours.

A few words from ERI

Better visibility & control

“In the current climate of cybercrime, this helps to reassure shareholders, management, our teams and accounts payable. The very high rate of green results on Sis ID gives our teams peace of mind.”

A few words from VINCI Construction France

350K€ saved

“The teams have really become aware of their role in the validation procedures. They now play a key role in ensuring the security of controls.