VoP Suite: Your turnkey solution for Verification of Payee

Verification of Payee is no longer an option. Simplify your compliance with VoP Suite by Sis ID

Vop scheme illustration

Are you ready for

Verification of Payee (VOP)?

The European Instant Payment Regulation (IPR) requires payment service providers (PSPs) to set up a beneficiary verification mechanism. Sis ID offers VoP Suite, a software suite enabling banks to deploy a beneficiary verification service that complies with European Verification of Payee (VoP) requirements. Co-developed with major financial institutions, this solution precisely meets the needs and constraints of banks, simplifying their compliance.

Regulation is mandatory. Complexity is not. Meet VoP Suite.

Plug vop illustration

A modular solution

tailored to your regulatory and technical requirements

World vop illustration

Full compliance with EPC API standards

and the EPC Directory Service (EDS)

Shield vop illustration

Extended interoperability leveraging SWIFT’s

pre-validation service

Light vop illustration

A predictive business model

designed to optimize VoP service costs

Plug vop illustration
World vop illustration
Shield vop illustration
Light vop illustration

A modular solution

tailored to your regulatory and technical requirements

Full compliance with EPC API standards

and the EPC Directory Service (EDS)

Extended interoperability leveraging SWIFT’s

pre-validation service

A predictive business model

designed to optimize VoP service costs

Why choose VoP Suite?

VoP illustration solution securisee

Maintain control over your costs with a predictive business model

Benefit from an integration perfectly aligned with the regulatory requirements of banking application systems

Access advanced customization features for matching and routing your requests, ensuring better alignment with your requirements

Achieve full interoperability with European VoP schemes and extended global compatibility through SWIFT’s pre-validation service

Maintain full control over your data access without outsourcing to third parties

VoP illustration solution securisee

A full range of products to run & manage your Verification of Payee services

VoP responder illustration

VoP Suite Responder

Expose your account holder information for VoP Requests

  • Flexible access to account holder information, ensuring you retain control over your data
  • High-performance and flexible name matching capabilities
  • Centralized access point for all your responding RVMs
VoP requester illustration

VoP Suite Requester

Trigger VoP Requests from your payment initiation channels

  • Flexible & customizable routing capabilities
  • Optimal VOP bulk and multi-single requests management
  • Caching functions for greater performance, robustness and cost-effectiveness
  • Multi-purpose filetype management to ensure alignment with your clients’ workflows
VoP requester illustration
VoP Manager screen illustration

VoP Suite Manager

Deep dive in your VoP Suite for total visibility

  • Track & analyze your usage in multiple dimensions
  • Configure features, route strategies, and fine-tune matching parameters
  • Manage user permissions and access

Connect with inter-PSP space

Target vop illustration

Rely on a solution aligned with EPC requirements

  • Management of your enrolment with the EPC Directory Service

  • Access to an up-to-date local copy of the EPC Directory Service

  • Application of EPC API standards for inter-PSP connectivity

Target vop illustration