Are you ready for
Verification of Payee (VOP)?
Regulation is mandatory. Complexity is not. Meet VoP Suite.

A modular solution
tailored to your regulatory and technical requirements

Full compliance with EPC API standards
and the EPC Directory Service (EDS)

Extended interoperability leveraging SWIFT’s
pre-validation service

A predictive business model
designed to optimize VoP service costs

A modular solution
tailored to your regulatory and technical requirements
Full compliance with EPC API standards
and the EPC Directory Service (EDS)
Extended interoperability leveraging SWIFT’s
pre-validation service
A predictive business model
designed to optimize VoP service costs
Why choose VoP Suite?

A full range of products to run & manage your Verification of Payee services

VoP Suite Responder
Expose your account holder information for VoP Requests

VoP Suite Requester
Trigger VoP Requests from your payment initiation channels

VoP Suite Manager
Deep dive in your VoP Suite for total visibility
Connect with inter-PSP space
Connect with inter-PSP space

Rely on a solution aligned with EPC requirements